My choice for breach cutter is 22 in last 2 tiers, bc of armor break is useless, I think (you always can shoot weakpoints, the one enemy that needs armor break is mactera brundle, but you can just kill it with breach cutter, that deals raw damage without weakpoint bonuses. Plasma trail is the best choice for killing swarmers, naedocytes etc. Also it increases our total damage heavily. Turret is always 1211 bc turret receives bonus from weakpoints, but shoot in the center of bug. So T3A is better
11 pickaxe is CONSTANT and never changes. I'm tired of explaining it, bc EVERY guy chooses T2C. Ok, more power damage is: oneshot slasher and mini mactera and almost oneshot guard and tri-jaw. Also, it's almost 1/3 oppressor's hp. ONE THIRD!