Fear will just spread enemies further apart; it's really not good to use with any OC except Neurotoxin payload. 10% damage at max ROF 100% for a big bertha build
This is for modded difficulties specifically but works fine on haz 5. If you take feedback loop you will simply die to being overrun pretty much instantly. Comboed with electro mines when things are slowed they do not spread out much. You lay down mines electrifying the swarm and slowing it swap to BB to shred through it while things are slowed and taking electric DoT. Taking feedback loop is a pretty big waste given how rarely you can simply stand and sustain max RoF on modded difficulty
Also, given how Fear mechanics work (bugs feared have to move ~10m from source of fear, regardless of move speed) it's super powerful paired with the slow from electrominelets.
Is there a consideration for T3 damage on BB? Less ROF but I feel the damage breakpoint could help offset