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cringe boomerang hater


Very nice build, I prefer T2 damage for the Crossbow so I can deal with macteras easily in a pinch, aside from that, very good


I run a build very similar to this but I found boomerangs to be handy due to their long stun time, and the stun works decently well with BOM. IFG still probably take the edge, but I wouldn't say boomerangs are useless, I think they have their benefits.


What benefits? Oppressors and dreads are immune, it's slow to hit, you can only hit 9 enemies, you don't need range on grenades since all of your primaries have range, yes it has the longest stun but it's still not long enough, yes you have 8 but you get nearly nothing per boomerang, and the electricity can also be gained from IFGs (IFGs also affect Oppresors & Dreads, as well as increasing damage)

Also to anyone who uses "but boomerangs are good with BoM":


I think if the boomerang has one thing going for it, it's Mactera Plague missions. With them i can stun almost (if not all) of the pack, and snipe their weakpoints with my primary. (A.I. stability gk2 being my personal go to.) Yes, I know that Cryos insta-kill Mactera, but considering I only have 4 instead of 8, and that I'm only getting 2 instead of 4 per resupply, I'll be sticking with the Stun Sweeper. (Also they are quite nice against Shredder drones and Naedocytes.)


Now I just want to put this out there: if you don't like the Stun Sweeper, then that's perfectly fine.


I'm with you brother, we can stun and sweep, no need to cry and weep


Having 8 boomerangs against 4 cryos still doesn't give them any tangible advantage, especially considering that cryos have the second highest effect radius out of all grenades in the game, at 6 metres. They'll be wiping any mactera pack AND freezing any ground target beneath them.
Furthermore, using boomerangs means you'll be wasting your primary and secondary ammo at a much higher rate, and boomerangs will only provide limited utility when dealing with brundles and goo bombers.


Ya can't miss with the Stun Sweeper.


It is pretty damn hard to miss with a 6-metre snowball as well. Not only that, but it also explodes on impact, so you have a choice of either throwing it in a general direction of the enemy, or targeting a specific one for maximum effect.
This fact notwithstanding, not being able to miss with the boomerang is not worth much, when its effectiveness is so low.


I ment like, Mactera type enemies, against normal Glyphids, you're better off taking IFGs. (Learned that the hard way) The Stun Sweeper is just what I happen to like for this one specific mission warning.


You can like them, if you want. You can even use them, if you want. But they are terribly outclassed by other scout grenades in every aspect, and I will laugh at you, if I ever see you use them, no offence intended.


You do realize that saying "no offense" doesn't make things less offensive, right?


This build is very mid, because taser bolts just arent that good. I ran it and all the value came from IFG's. Tasers take QUITE A BIT of time to set up, and once they are its difficult to deal increased damage with GK2 because bugs come out of the trap and lose the electrified status and partially hide the electrified bugs behind them.
I despise taser bolts. A lot of buck for little bang.
Cryo bolts and either cryo nades or IFGS is way better for a BoM build.


You don't need to shoot grunts with a GK2 when they're going through the taser wires. If you've done everything right, they'll die from the electricity on their own. A "bermuda triangle" taser trap melts swarms like butter. Tasers also instantly activate the BoM's bonus on nearly EVERY enemy in the game, while cryo bolts needs time & kiting, and they don't work well with oppressors, bosses, q'ronars etc. Furthermore, cryo bolts strain your GK2 ammo efficiency, because they're useless as DPS tool


Cryo Minelets for the Zhukovs are a good choice, too. Takes a little foresight to spray on the ground, wall, or ceiling but they can get the job done.


Really good build.


I only find the regular Boltshark bolts underwhelming, too used to having some great options like trifork, cryo, bodkin etc.


A very strange build! I haven't played it enough yet to have a final opinion but when it works it feels awesome. The problem I've noticed in the 3 missions I've done so far is that it feels like it takes a lot of extra work to get value compared to other builds. Fumbling through different crossbow ammo and setting up taser bolts at the right time takes a lot of your focus and I feel like I'm contributing less to the team while also putting in way more effort.