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I recently came around to appreciate the Ice Storm overclock because I like to quickly straight up kill things with the Cryo Cannon rather than just freeze them in place and get creative with dispatching them with other ways. Persistent Plasma I can understand being an aide for Area Denial, but Energy Rerouting is a more efficient and versatile choice for me. Also, the Neurotoxin Canister is okay, but I believe it pairs up better with the Flamethrower because of the flammable utility of it.

That Goddamn Scout™

Fair enough about ER. The reason I prefer Persistent Plasma is mostly free damage (up to 510 a shot is hard to pass).

Although about Neuro, they're actually way better if left alone and not ignited.
The explosion does pitiful damage on top of removing your Neuro cloud. Whereas letting it run for the full duration affects more bugs, making it more efficient as a result


I just swapped out ER for Persistent Plasma. Goes through ammo fast, but the plasma does make a difference in area denial for my Driller. I'm still sticking with Impact Axe for my loadout, though.