If I were to use this build, I'd personally run the M1K as 1-3-2-1-1, for a blowthrough set up that also has plenty of ammo for taking out high priority targets, as well as the utility of stun, and I'd run the Zhuks 2-3-X-2-1, using them only for single target damage, along side an IFG. If you are dead set on using Pheromone Canisters, which I don't blame you lol, then taking T5B on the Zhuks is fine, but less useful overall.
Also, Static Discharge on the armor doesn't do enough to warrant taking. Breathing Room is often considered the best of the 3 options, but on Scout, Shockwave is alright too for killing tiny bugs.
pretty much what i started running except t1a instead of b. think itd be good since i dont tend to hurt for ammo to bad with t1a so im gonna give it a shot. agree with t5b being less useful, also personally dont like it, but using especially minimal mags.
should 100% go with t5a since you have static discharge. always nice to get a nice random electrocute so you can hit em with the nuk.