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cockandstonebrothers Haz5 Ghoul

skill issue


How come? If this is not your play style, you don't have to hate on it.

Haz5 Ghoul

"FOCUS SHOT: LEAVES GRUNTS ONE SHOT TO THE BODY. KILLS AT HEAD." They even explicitly state how they failed at it

Haz5 Ghoul

It has nothing to do with the playstyle. The hipster build is awful. It fails at normal spam hipster, it fails at focus hipster, it fails at weakpoint hipster. I don't know how but they achieved it


100% agreed.


Hoverboots and heightened senses....

Greenbeard guide.


mmmm not so much. it is in deed a good build, highly versatile and giving you the power to prevent, contrary to normal builds that carry iron will and faster res that give you the power to cure.


I like Hover Boots as a scout. There are other nice perks but it just feels weird to not have Field Medic as a scout since mobility means safe and quick revive support to team. Heightened Senses isn't bad though. It is useful. If only there are more active perk slots.


I'd argue Heightened is a pretty nice quality of life perk, but I agree with the Hoverboots. Iron Will or Field Medic is just simply better. FM is great for scout because he has the mobility to reach clutch revives, and Iron Will is just good in general. Personally I run Heightened and FM, or FM and IW for when I need to tryhard


What's the point of bringing AP rounds on the M1K? Even with the damage mod, hipster cannot two-hit grunts to the body. In fact, since you're not bringing Hollow Points, you cannot one-shot grunts to the head with normal shots. You also can't one-shot grunts with focused shots, because you didn't bring Killer Focus. What is this Hipster trying to achieve? It's making everything about the gun worse, just so you can have a faster ROF. I'd argue something like Min Clips would work better for this


Ignoring what is already covered by other comments:
- Flare gun, your BBC build has 1260s light while the more usual ABC or BBB builds have both 1350s of light ergo your version is less efficient in terms of overall light provided
- Cryo, the Oppressor bit is questional to freeze one you would need two grenades which is super inefficient
- both weapons are more or less efficiently set up for wave clear but none can deal with high prio / bigger targets

  • a lot of the breakpoints for kills / ammo would be reached even with T1 ammo on the M1000
  • Born ready, is not a must but rather utility / laziness as your Flare gun will be reloaded as well, M1000 reload is no argument for running it as you can skip a lot of reload frames with animation cancelling
  • over all, a lot of the explanations make no sense or prove the contrary

While I applaud the time spent writing a guide for others, this is not a good one.
We need downvotes.


... and regarding the Zhukovs, this is not a good setup for them either.
You really want to make use of Conductive bullets (T5) with Gas Recycling.
Pushing the high base damage even further but there is no source for electrocution or similar effects in this build.


why u must screm at me 😟


also, the entire motto for GSG is "co-op first" and you insist that playing away from your team is the best way to play


why emoji auto translate : (


Hover boots and born ready are not very good, kind of a noob trap. You can get nitra fine enough grappling on top of nitra veins, and born ready is just a **** perk in general. I also don't recommend gas recycling OC in tandem with hipster. The spammy swarm clearing nature of hipster warrants a secondary with high single target dps for larger bugs, and the total removal of weakspot damage in the overclock totally destroys that. I recommend jumbo shells boomstick or trifork volley boltshark.