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[BOAS] Kpwn

Definity don't want mag size and blowthrough with SCC. It turns the 20% weakspot dmg in T4B into 60% but doesn't do anything with blowthrough. Also you only get +4 mag instead of +6. The extra 17.5 damage may not seem like a ton from improved focus shots, but when hitting weakspots with the extra 60% increase on top, its a significant boost to damage. Plus you already have double pheromones and fire bolt for swarm clear. May as well lean into single target with SCC.


I could go with both those two mods, but because I use this loadout for swarm-based missions and not Eliminations and Sabotages, I don't feel the need for that extra single target damage. The bonus from SCC is a step up from Minimal Clips for me.


Alright. I went with extra focus shot damage and the reload buff on tier 5. I feel that works better for me.


Bodkin Points is much more efficient for mob clearing. For the Fire Bolts, I'll pair that with the GK2's AI Stability Engine for the ammo quantity.


Ah going with Minimal Clips I see, good choice. I also like to go with Active Stability System as well with Fire Bolts, since that brings a nice improvement to focus shots and you're free to build it however you like.


Ever since I got around to feel how the semi-auto firing mechanics were tweaked in this game, I figured this overclock would be better for more flexible use.


Do you have a good super cooling chamber build? I'm running 11221 with sp 13121 right now


I'd usually go with 23221 for Supercooling Chamber, you can go with T1A if you want more ammo.