Definity don't want mag size and blowthrough with SCC. It turns the 20% weakspot dmg in T4B into 60% but doesn't do anything with blowthrough. Also you only get +4 mag instead of +6. The extra 17.5 damage may not seem like a ton from improved focus shots, but when hitting weakspots with the extra 60% increase on top, its a significant boost to damage. Plus you already have double pheromones and fire bolt for swarm clear. May as well lean into single target with SCC.
I could go with both those two mods, but because I use this loadout for swarm-based missions and not Eliminations and Sabotages, I don't feel the need for that extra single target damage. The bonus from SCC is a step up from Minimal Clips for me.
Ah going with Minimal Clips I see, good choice. I also like to go with Active Stability System as well with Fire Bolts, since that brings a nice improvement to focus shots and you're free to build it however you like.
Ever since I got around to feel how the semi-auto firing mechanics were tweaked in this game, I figured this overclock would be better for more flexible use.